Hi, got this process model that will query data that has date today then all its

Certified Associate Developer
Hi, got this process model that will query data that has date today then all its details will be then passed onto a subprocess. My problem is that every time that the batch scheduled process runs it self it seems that todate(now()) in the process returns different value as expected (expect to return date today but return date today - 1). Process model is set to run every day at 12:01 AM. Thanks in advance!



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  • You have "Override with user's Time Zone" checked, so you need to do a couple of things:
    1. Check in designer under System | Internationalization settings. Check the default time zone and check to see if user time zone is overridden. If all your users are in the same time zone you will want to do that but possibly not if you are distributed (see attached intl8n.png screen shot)
    2. In Tempo check users time zone by clicking on the down arrow next to the users name. This only matters if you DO NOT have the "override users time zone" box checked in Internationalization settings. I think the basic problem is you are checking after midnight Manilla time but it is still the previous day when evaluating with GMT.

  • You have "Override with user's Time Zone" checked, so you need to do a couple of things:
    1. Check in designer under System | Internationalization settings. Check the default time zone and check to see if user time zone is overridden. If all your users are in the same time zone you will want to do that but possibly not if you are distributed (see attached intl8n.png screen shot)
    2. In Tempo check users time zone by clicking on the down arrow next to the users name. This only matters if you DO NOT have the "override users time zone" box checked in Internationalization settings. I think the basic problem is you are checking after midnight Manilla time but it is still the previous day when evaluating with GMT.

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