Hi, Is there any way or a custom smart service, where in the newly introduc

Is there any way or a custom smart service, where in the newly introduced process variables present in the latest version of the process model, can also be included in all the running instances of that process(which will obviously be of older versions than the latest version of model).

For example.
If I have a process model with latest version 'X2' and the newly introduced process variable which was not there in the older version (say 'X1') is ''pv!processVariable'' . Now there are about 100 instances currently running of the version 'X1'. I now want to include this new process variable ''pv!processVariable" in all these running 100 instances.
Can it be done?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance....



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  • @Priyal: I tried this smart service. This is working fine as far as adding process variables are concerned. However I too have a requirement of changing the reassignment of the tasks in all the instances and when I went through the documentation of this smart service, it says that it can be done too. However, I encountered one problem.

    If I have three user input tasks which are assigned to 'Group A' in all the instances. Out of these 3 tasks, some were already completed, some were active and some are still not active. Now when I use this smart service to change the assignment of all these 3 tasks to 'Group B' in all instances, then only the assignment of all active tasks are changed from 'Group A' to 'Group B'.In other words, tasks which are active , only those assignments are changed, All other tasks which are yet not active, their assignment still remained 'Group A'. However, I wanted to change the assignment of all the tasks to 'Group B', irrespective of weather it is active or not.

    Can you please provide more insight on this.
    Thanks in advance.
  • @Priyal: I tried this smart service. This is working fine as far as adding process variables are concerned. However I too have a requirement of changing the reassignment of the tasks in all the instances and when I went through the documentation of this smart service, it says that it can be done too. However, I encountered one problem.

    If I have three user input tasks which are assigned to 'Group A' in all the instances. Out of these 3 tasks, some were already completed, some were active and some are still not active. Now when I use this smart service to change the assignment of all these 3 tasks to 'Group B' in all instances, then only the assignment of all active tasks are changed from 'Group A' to 'Group B'.In other words, tasks which are active , only those assignments are changed, All other tasks which are yet not active, their assignment still remained 'Group A'. However, I wanted to change the assignment of all the tasks to 'Group B', irrespective of weather it is active or not.

    Can you please provide more insight on this.
    Thanks in advance.
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