Smart service "call web service" is not pulling all results from webse

Smart service "call web service" is not pulling all results from webservice. It provides partial result, with no error/exception. When same webservice called in SoapUI, works fine and returns all data. Can anyone please help me to know possible root cause of it. Thanks



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  • Sometimes the information you see in SoapUI does not accurately reflect the WSDL definition. I would take a look at the WSDL definition in a web browser and confirm that the relevant fields are correctly defined. For example, if "Field10" is not being populated in Appian, confirm that "Field10" is defined correctly in the WSDL in the browser and confirm that it is part of the appropriate parent element (and so on, up the chain).
  • Sometimes the information you see in SoapUI does not accurately reflect the WSDL definition. I would take a look at the WSDL definition in a web browser and confirm that the relevant fields are correctly defined. For example, if "Field10" is not being populated in Appian, confirm that "Field10" is defined correctly in the WSDL in the browser and confirm that it is part of the appropriate parent element (and so on, up the chain).
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