Smart service "call web service" is not pulling all results from webse

Smart service "call web service" is not pulling all results from webservice. It provides partial result, with no error/exception. When same webservice called in SoapUI, works fine and returns all data. Can anyone please help me to know possible root cause of it. Thanks



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  • This could indicate that the CDTs originally created by the WSDL haven't been updated to reflect the newly added fields.

    To address this:

    1. Identify all CDTs created that belong to this web service, sorting by namespace is usually enough
    2. Delete all of them
    3. Re-configure the process model using the Refresh Services button and finish configuring the node
    4. Save and publish the model
    5. Verify the CDTs were re-created.
    6. Test again.
  • This could indicate that the CDTs originally created by the WSDL haven't been updated to reflect the newly added fields.

    To address this:

    1. Identify all CDTs created that belong to this web service, sorting by namespace is usually enough
    2. Delete all of them
    3. Re-configure the process model using the Refresh Services button and finish configuring the node
    4. Save and publish the model
    5. Verify the CDTs were re-created.
    6. Test again.
No Data