Lately I have observed some weird behavior in one of my grid used in a tempo act

Lately I have observed some weird behavior in one of my grid used in a tempo action. I have added a small logic to make enable the submit button only if at least one of the record in grid is checked and the text box is entered. But even if the check boxes are selected and text-box is filled with valid inputs the submit button is still inactive. Moreover this behavior is not consistent. I have even confirmed that when we try to select the same record/s and enter same value in the text box as previous when it was not working, at some other time, then the system allows to do it. I am not able to find the reason for this kind of behavior. Posting the code for the same below for reference. Are there any suggestions for this?




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  • It's quite difficult to tell as I can't run your code or see the subrules, but it may be this line from the submit button:

    disabled: or(if(count(local!selectedModules)=0, true, false), isnull(ri!fid)),

    First off, if(count(local!selectedModules)=0, true, false) is redundant as count(local!selectedModules)=0 will always return a true/false result. That aside, count() can sometimes return 1 when you don't expect it - for example, count(null) returns 1.

    Have you tried using length or a combination of APN_isEmpty and length?
  • It's quite difficult to tell as I can't run your code or see the subrules, but it may be this line from the submit button:

    disabled: or(if(count(local!selectedModules)=0, true, false), isnull(ri!fid)),

    First off, if(count(local!selectedModules)=0, true, false) is redundant as count(local!selectedModules)=0 will always return a true/false result. That aside, count() can sometimes return 1 when you don't expect it - for example, count(null) returns 1.

    Have you tried using length or a combination of APN_isEmpty and length?
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