What would be the max no of characters we can save in the database by using para

What would be the max no of characters we can save in the database by using paragraph filed?



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  • @ramakg There isn't a limit on the size of the characters hold by a!paragraphField(), but it can be a limitation from the DB. So a good way to handle is to put a validation on the corresponding a!paragraphField() as per the length of the field in the database. SAIL recipe at https://forum.appian.com/suite/help/16.1/SAIL_Recipes.html#Approve/Reject_Buttons_with_Conditional_Requiredness is a good example for this.
  • @ramakg There isn't a limit on the size of the characters hold by a!paragraphField(), but it can be a limitation from the DB. So a good way to handle is to put a validation on the corresponding a!paragraphField() as per the length of the field in the database. SAIL recipe at https://forum.appian.com/suite/help/16.1/SAIL_Recipes.html#Approve/Reject_Buttons_with_Conditional_Requiredness is a good example for this.
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