Is there a way to link to a 'site' from the Tempo Actions tab??? We

Is there a way to link to a 'site' from the Tempo Actions tab???
We have a process that would be great for a site, but it would be nice for our current users to access it easily and not have to go somewhere else (outside of Tempo) to open it up/start the process.



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  • @Sharonc, while creating Site, you can take page type as action which will asks for a process model which is having start form, once site is created, you can configure the site as user start page by going to Administration, you can find user start pages in administration console, so that once user logged into Application he will be directly redirected to Site instead of Tempo interface, hope this will help you..
  • @Sharonc, while creating Site, you can take page type as action which will asks for a process model which is having start form, once site is created, you can configure the site as user start page by going to Administration, you can find user start pages in administration console, so that once user logged into Application he will be directly redirected to Site instead of Tempo interface, hope this will help you..
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