Is there a way to link to a 'site' from the Tempo Actions tab??? We

Is there a way to link to a 'site' from the Tempo Actions tab???
We have a process that would be great for a site, but it would be nice for our current users to access it easily and not have to go somewhere else (outside of Tempo) to open it up/start the process.



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  • @sharon - I am not sure about your use case but cant you configure the process model directly as a action? This way user can directly launch the process rather than navigating to site.

    Also you cannot provide direct link to site in actions tab. You have to create a process model which will display the link on either start form or first form in the process.
  • @sharon - I am not sure about your use case but cant you configure the process model directly as a action? This way user can directly launch the process rather than navigating to site.

    Also you cannot provide direct link to site in actions tab. You have to create a process model which will display the link on either start form or first form in the process.
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