when I monitor a process in the designer(Appian version 7.11) in the "start

when I monitor a process in the designer(Appian version 7.11) in the "started by" column i want to get the name of pp!initiator, where and what changes should I make?



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  • @akhilt Hi, if you are looking forward to get the username of the corresponding User object, fn!tostring(pp!initiator) should do the trick, but the only problem I can see here is, you miss the User Card. If this doesn't answer your question, please do let us know what you mean by name.

    When it comes to the Report, if you are looking at the Report present in the 'Processes' tab in the Designer environment, then you may access the same Report at the following path: Documents (Tab) > Default Community > System Knowledge Center > System Reports > Process Reports > All Processes.arf and start working on the same. Either you may add a new column or you can update the definition of the existing (4th column as per your report) column in the Report.