Any suggestions on how to display each first name, last name seperately from a u

Any suggestions on how to display each first name, last name seperately from a user array input....



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  • Seema, have you downloaded the Common Objects application from the software add-ons? If you have, the following expression recipe can be used. apply(rule!APN_displayUser, pv!users). If not, you can create the APN rule yourself with this function: if(isnull(ri!user), "", if(isusernametaken(ri!user),
    user(ri!user, "firstName") & " " & user(ri!user, "lastName"), tostring(ri!user)))
  • Seema, have you downloaded the Common Objects application from the software add-ons? If you have, the following expression recipe can be used. apply(rule!APN_displayUser, pv!users). If not, you can create the APN rule yourself with this function: if(isnull(ri!user), "", if(isusernametaken(ri!user),
    user(ri!user, "firstName") & " " & user(ri!user, "lastName"), tostring(ri!user)))
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