Is it possible to reset a task deadline after a user accepts the task?

Is it possible to reset a task deadline after a user accepts the task?

For example: we would like to set the task deadline to the accepted date plus five days.



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  • @cherylr To the best of my knowledge, definitely there is a way to reset the Task Deadline and it can be done by making use of the smart service namely 'Set Task Deadline' in the 'Task Smart Services Plug-in' Shared Component present at

    The only problem I can see here is, your interest lies in resetting a deadline when user accepts the task and this isn't possible afaik because there isn't a way currently to capture the events on the Task such as Reassign Task, Save Changes, Reject Task, Accept Task and so we can't associate any functionalities with them in a direct way. You need to plan for an alternate way in order to make this happen and here is one of the few ways:

    1. Build a Task Report which consists of Tasks and build the capability of Acceptance(An option to select one task and am Accept button/link and for acceptance, you can opt for the smart service by name 'Accept Task' ).
    2. Always make sure that a User accepts the Task from this Task Report itself. In order to make this happen, you may need to educate the User. As you are going to build a process anyhow that takes care of Acceptance of the chosen Task, you can also include the functionality of resetting the deadline next to acceptance of Task.

    An other way is to include this functionality in the User Input Task itself, and in order to make this happen, we should instruct the User to interact with a component on the form as and when he accepts the Task. This is because, building the functionality as desired by you definitely needs interaction with a SAIL component in order to trigger.

    It's not quite elegant and I wouldn't personally recommend implementing such workarounds. Nevertheless, there is a way to do it, provided if it is really a value addition to business.

    It would be really nice to have capability to capture the OOTB events associated with a Task. Please do let us know in case of any follow-up questions and we would be more than happy to answer.
  • @cherylr To the best of my knowledge, definitely there is a way to reset the Task Deadline and it can be done by making use of the smart service namely 'Set Task Deadline' in the 'Task Smart Services Plug-in' Shared Component present at

    The only problem I can see here is, your interest lies in resetting a deadline when user accepts the task and this isn't possible afaik because there isn't a way currently to capture the events on the Task such as Reassign Task, Save Changes, Reject Task, Accept Task and so we can't associate any functionalities with them in a direct way. You need to plan for an alternate way in order to make this happen and here is one of the few ways:

    1. Build a Task Report which consists of Tasks and build the capability of Acceptance(An option to select one task and am Accept button/link and for acceptance, you can opt for the smart service by name 'Accept Task' ).
    2. Always make sure that a User accepts the Task from this Task Report itself. In order to make this happen, you may need to educate the User. As you are going to build a process anyhow that takes care of Acceptance of the chosen Task, you can also include the functionality of resetting the deadline next to acceptance of Task.

    An other way is to include this functionality in the User Input Task itself, and in order to make this happen, we should instruct the User to interact with a component on the form as and when he accepts the Task. This is because, building the functionality as desired by you definitely needs interaction with a SAIL component in order to trigger.

    It's not quite elegant and I wouldn't personally recommend implementing such workarounds. Nevertheless, there is a way to do it, provided if it is really a value addition to business.

    It would be really nice to have capability to capture the OOTB events associated with a Task. Please do let us know in case of any follow-up questions and we would be more than happy to answer.
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