Downlaod to excel

Any suggestions for Exporting a multiple variable to an Excel Template.

I have been using the following:

But my goal is for the multi-row query result to be printed to individual grid cells. It seems that joinarray, which the document suggests, prints the result to multiple lines but within the same grid cell.

Thank you


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    In the "Export CDT to Excel" smart service, you simply need to feed in your template file ("Excel_base_template"), your CDT Array PV ("Cdt"), a text list consisting of the case-sensitive CDT field names ("Cdt_fields_to_export"), the starting cell (in your case you'd pass in "B7"), sheet number (zero-indexed iirc, so pass in 0). Ignore "Cell_keys" and "Cell_values" at first as these are just used to fill specific fields (after you get it working for your CDT you'd fill these in to fill static fields such as project name as needed).

    AFAIK the text from template will literally populate the cell(s) where you have the replacement key(s) no matter what, so no matter what you do, all the values you pass into B7, C7, etc, will populate in just those cells. I'd need to see a screenshot of your template to be sure - but tbh it's probably not worth your time as it'd be easier just to get the Export CDT one to work instead.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    In the "Export CDT to Excel" smart service, you simply need to feed in your template file ("Excel_base_template"), your CDT Array PV ("Cdt"), a text list consisting of the case-sensitive CDT field names ("Cdt_fields_to_export"), the starting cell (in your case you'd pass in "B7"), sheet number (zero-indexed iirc, so pass in 0). Ignore "Cell_keys" and "Cell_values" at first as these are just used to fill specific fields (after you get it working for your CDT you'd fill these in to fill static fields such as project name as needed).

    AFAIK the text from template will literally populate the cell(s) where you have the replacement key(s) no matter what, so no matter what you do, all the values you pass into B7, C7, etc, will populate in just those cells. I'd need to see a screenshot of your template to be sure - but tbh it's probably not worth your time as it'd be easier just to get the Export CDT one to work instead.
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