Node assignment with MNI


I need to create multiple instances of a node and assign each instance to a different group, for this purpose I'm using Multiple Node Instances with tp!instanceindex but when the flow reachs my MNI node I'm getting the following error message (pv!array contains the groups):


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  • Your subprocess would have two inputs - one for the index (number, integer, multiple) and one for the group list (group, multiple). You would set the index input to tp!instanceIndex on the subprocess node configuration and fix the group input as your array of groups. Within the subprocess, you would set the assignee to pv!array[pv!index].
  • Your subprocess would have two inputs - one for the index (number, integer, multiple) and one for the group list (group, multiple). You would set the index input to tp!instanceIndex on the subprocess node configuration and fix the group input as your array of groups. Within the subprocess, you would set the assignee to pv!array[pv!index].
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