Sorting on Task Report Not Working

A Score Level 1

 I have created a task report but the sorting seems to be broken for the three columns I am showing...I am not sure what I'm missing here as I followed the tutorial and all else is working as expected:

 local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1),
 local!statusFilter: 4,
 local!report: a!queryProcessAnalytics( report: cons!FOB_MY_TASKS_REPORT,
   query: if( local!statusFilter = 4, {},
       filter: a!queryFilter( field: "c5", operator: "=", value: local!statusFilter),
   pagingInfo: local!pagingInfo ))
  firstColumnContents: {
      label: "Status",
      choiceLabels: {"All", "Accepted", "Assigned", "Completed", "Not Started"},
      choiceValues: {4, 1,0, 2, 3 },
      value: local!statusFilter,
      saveInto: { local!statusFilter, a!save(local!pagingInfo.startIndex, 1)}
     label: local!,
     instructions: local!report.description,
     totalCount: local!report.totalCount,
     columns: {
         label: "Name",
         field: local!,
         data: index(local!, "c0", {} ),
         links: apply(a!processTaskLink( task: _), index( local!, "dp0", {}))
         label: "Received",
         field: local!report.columnConfigs[2].field,
         data: apply(rule!FOB_displayDate(_), index( local!,"c2", {}))
         label: "Assigned To",
         field: local!report.columnConfigs[7].field,
        data: apply( rule!FOB_displayPeople(_), index( local!, "c8", {} ))
  value: local!pagingInfo,
   saveInto: local!pagingInfo

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