Hi folks,
I have a report through which you can trigger a system expression rule test . i have implemented a functionality to notify the rule owner (i.e, the person who last modified the rule). This assigns a task to the owner and sends a mail and displays the form.
In this, the process of finding the lastModifiedBy value and sending a mail and assigning the task are working correctly but I am getting the following error while displaying the task interface:
The following is the interface code where the error is:
a!sectionLayout( contents:{ if(isnull(local!showDetailsForObject), a!gridLayout( label: "", labelPosition:"COLLAPSED", headerCells: { a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: ""), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Rule"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Last Modified"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Details") }, columnConfigs: { a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width:"ICON"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(weight: 2), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(weight: 2), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(weight: 1) }, rows: a!applyComponents( function: rule!ART_testResultsGridRowByUser( _, local!showDetailsForObject, local!showDetailsForObjectIndex, _ ), array: merge( local!ruleTestResultObjects, enumerate(length(local!ruleTestResultObjects))+1 ) ) ), rule!ART_testCaseResultsGridFailedTask( failedTestCasesRows:local!failedTestCasesRows ) ) /*rule!ART_testCaseResultsGridFailedTask(*/ /*failedTestCasesRows:local!failedTestCasesRows*/ /*)*/ } )
with( local!status: if( or( contains(touniformstring(ri!objectTestResult.testCasesResult.status), "ERROR"), contains(touniformstring(ri!objectTestResult.testCasesResult.status), "FAIL") ), "ERROR", if(contains(touniformstring(ri!objectTestResult.testCasesResult.status), "PASS"), "PASS", "IN PROGRESS" ) ), a!gridRowLayout( contents: { a!richTextDisplayField( value: if(local!status = "PASS", { a!richTextImage( image: a!documentImage(document: a!iconIndicator("STATUS_OK"))) }, if(local!status = "ERROR", { a!richTextImage(image: a!documentImage(document: a!iconIndicator("STATUS_ERROR"))) }, { a!richTextImage(image: a!documentImage(document: a!iconIndicator("PROGRESS_RUNNING"))) } ) ) ), a!linkField( links: a!safeLink(label: ri!objectTestResult.name, uri: ri!objectTestResult.url) ), a!textField( value: text(ri!objectTestResult.lastModifiedOn, "m/d/y h:mm a"), readOnly: true ), a!richTextDisplayField( value: if(local!status="ERROR", a!richTextItem( text: with( local!failures: length(wherecontains("ERROR", touniformstring(ri!objectTestResult.testCasesResult.status))) + length(wherecontains("FAIL", touniformstring(ri!objectTestResult.testCasesResult.status))), { local!failures, if(local!failures=1, " error or failure", " erros or failures") } ), link: a!dynamicLink( value: ri!objectTestResult, saveInto: { ri!showDetailsForObject, a!save(ri!showDetailsForObjectIndex, ri!currentIndex) } ) ), "All tests passed" ) ) } ) )
Any help would be appreciated. TIA!!!
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Hi prakash,
I have used that and resolved any other errors that arose as a consequence. But on the main interface i am now getting the following error:
"Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function a!formLayout [line 176]: "