Hi All,
I want to display a report like the screen shot. I am facing issue at the time of putting the "data" field in chart series. here I want to do count of Id for each status for each category. Here 3 types of Status is present in the database/record, Open, Closed and Assigned.
Can anyone help with the code.
My code is as below which is not working properly.
load( local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: -1, sort: a!sortInfo( field: "id", ascending: true ) ), with( local!datasubset: queryrecord( cons!LSCM_RECORD_CASE, a!query( aggregation: a!queryAggregation(aggregationColumns: { a!queryAggregationColumn(field: "id", aggregationFunction: "COUNT"), a!queryAggregationColumn(field: "status", isGrouping: true), a!queryAggregationColumn(field: "category", isGrouping: true), }), pagingInfo: local!pagingInfo ) ), { a!columnChartField( label: "Closed vs Assigned vs Open Cases per Service Type", labelposition: "ABOVE", instructions: "This is the chart for the total number of Closed Cases vs Assigned Cases vs Open Cases for all the agents but for different service types", helptooltip: "", categories: { "Category 1", "Category 2", "Category 3", "Category 4" }, series: { a!chartSeries( label: "Closed", data: {index(local!datasubset.data, "id", null)} ), a!chartSeries( label: "Assigned", data: {index(local!datasubset.data, "id", null)} ), a!chartSeries( label: "Open", data: {index(local!datasubset.data.status, "id", null)} ) }, xaxistitle: "Status: Closed vs Assigned vs Open per Service Type", yaxistitle: "Total Number Of Cases", stacking: "NONE", showlegend: true, showdatalabels: true, allowdecimalaxislabels: false ) } ))
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Please try out below code. Hopefully this will solve ur problem.
local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
startIndex: 1,
batchSize: - 1,
sort: a!sortInfo(
field: "category",
ascending: true
local!datasubset: todatasubset(
id: 10,
status: "Closed",
category: "Category 1"
id: 11,
category: "Category 2"
id: 15,
category: "Category 3"
id: 19,
category: "Category 4"
id: 20,
status: "Assigned",
id: 21,
id: 25,
id: 29,
id: 30,
status: "Open",
id: 31,
id: 35,
id: 39,
local!CategoryList: union(local!datasubset.data.category, local!datasubset.data.category),
label: "Closed vs Assigned vs Open Cases per Service Type",
labelposition: "ABOVE",
instructions: "This is the chart for the total number of Closed Cases vs Assigned Cases vs Open Cases for all the agents but for different service types",
helptooltip: "",
categories: {
series: {
label: "Closed",
data: {
tointeger(wherecontains("Closed", touniformstring(local!datasubset.data.status))),
label: "Assigned",
tointeger(wherecontains("Assigned", touniformstring(local!datasubset.data.status))),
label: "Open",
tointeger(wherecontains("Open", touniformstring(local!datasubset.data.status))),
xaxistitle: "Status: Closed vs Assigned vs Open per Service Type",
yaxistitle: "Total Number Of Cases",
stacking: "NONE",
showlegend: true,
showdatalabels: true,
allowdecimalaxislabels: false