I have requirement to fetch the status of requests from database and display with different color based upon status. I am using column chart and displaying the data but while providing the color for different status column i am facing problem.
Below is some sample code:
a!columnChartField( categories: {"Open","Started","In-Progress","Closed"}, series: { a!chartSeries( label: "Request Entries", data: {10,20,30,40,50} ) }, stacking: "NORMAL", yAxisTitle: "Request Entries", showLegend: false, showTooltips: true)
Here since i am using single chart series component i am facing problem while passing different colors for status. If am using different chart series i am not getting status labels exactly below status columns.
Can anyone help to resolve this issue.
Thanks in Advance!
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Hi Krishna,
While loading the Report Build customaized CDT. Let's say.Below data from Data Base.local!data:{{id:1,status:"Completed"}{id:1,status:"Completed"},{id:1,status:"Completed"}}Just update Above CDT/Dictiobnary data as below./*After Update the Data CDT OR Dictionary*/Update data by using updateCDT Function[Shred Component] OR Create New CDT With below fieldslocal!data:{{id:1,status:"Completed",color:"Color1"}{id:1,status:"Completed",color:"Color2"}},{id:1,status:"Completed",color:"Color3"}}}
Send this data to Chart series, I hope it will help!!Thanks!!