How to get TaskId with queryProcessAnalytics - Throwing "Grouping and aggregation are not supported. (APNX-1-4203-027)"

Below is the expression rule code being used to get TaskId based on Asset and TaskOrGroupName filters. Getting below error:

"Grouping and aggregation are not supported. (APNX-1-4203-027)"


report: cons!NSA_UserTasks_Report_Cons,
contextUsers: loggedInUser(),
query: a!query(
selection: a!querySelection(
columns: { a!queryColumn(field: "Asset", alis: "Asset", visible: true),
a!queryColumn(field: "TaskId", alis: "TaskId", visible: true)
logicalExpression: a!queryLogicalExpression(
operator: "AND",
filters: {
a!queryFilter(field: "Asset", operator: "=", value: ri!AssetOrProjectName),
a!queryFilter(field: "Task", operator: "includes", value: ri!TaskOrGroupName)
pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(1,-1))

  Discussion posts and replies are publicly visible

  • I have used the below code, which is never returning a task id and throws error stating the task is deleted or completed by someone. This is because a TaskId is not being returned by the below code. Please advise whats wrong with the below code and how to get a task id.

    Conditions: Filter by an asset name and also when one of report column contains a text value.

    local!dataSet: a!queryProcessAnalytics(
    report: cons!NSA_UserTasks_Report_Cons,
    contextUsers: loggedInUser()

    local!requiredColumnConfig: reject(fn!isnull, a!forEach(
    items: local!dataSet.columnConfigs,
    expression:if(index(fv!item, "label", {}) = "TaskId", index(fv!item, "field", ""),null)

    local!filterColumnConfig: reject(fn!isnull, a!forEach(
    items: local!dataSet.columnConfigs,

    expression:if(index(fv!item, "label", {}) = "Task", index(fv!item, "field", ""),null)

    local!assetColumnConfig: reject(fn!isnull, a!forEach(
    items: local!dataSet.columnConfigs,
    expression:if(index(fv!item, "label", {}) = "Asset", index(fv!item, "field", ""),null)

    items: local!,
    expression: if(index(fv!item,local!assetColumnConfig,"") = ri!AssetOrProjectName,
    find(ri!TaskOrGroupName, index(fv!item, tostring(local!filterColumnConfig),""), 1) = 0, false,
    index(fv!item, tostring(local!requiredColumnConfig),"")

  • I have used the below code, which is never returning a task id and throws error stating the task is deleted or completed by someone. This is because a TaskId is not being returned by the below code. Please advise whats wrong with the below code and how to get a task id.

    Conditions: Filter by an asset name and also when one of report column contains a text value.

    local!dataSet: a!queryProcessAnalytics(
    report: cons!NSA_UserTasks_Report_Cons,
    contextUsers: loggedInUser()

    local!requiredColumnConfig: reject(fn!isnull, a!forEach(
    items: local!dataSet.columnConfigs,
    expression:if(index(fv!item, "label", {}) = "TaskId", index(fv!item, "field", ""),null)

    local!filterColumnConfig: reject(fn!isnull, a!forEach(
    items: local!dataSet.columnConfigs,

    expression:if(index(fv!item, "label", {}) = "Task", index(fv!item, "field", ""),null)

    local!assetColumnConfig: reject(fn!isnull, a!forEach(
    items: local!dataSet.columnConfigs,
    expression:if(index(fv!item, "label", {}) = "Asset", index(fv!item, "field", ""),null)

    items: local!,
    expression: if(index(fv!item,local!assetColumnConfig,"") = ri!AssetOrProjectName,
    find(ri!TaskOrGroupName, index(fv!item, tostring(local!filterColumnConfig),""), 1) = 0, false,
    index(fv!item, tostring(local!requiredColumnConfig),"")

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