I am trying to create a line graph where once a data point is selected a grid appears with more information. However, with the code below, when I select a data point the grid isn't appearing. Can anyone explain why?
load( local!chartPagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1, sort: a!sortInfo( field: "SubmittedDate", ascending: true ) ), local!datasubset:rule!NSA_Inflight_Analytics_Get_Status_SubmittedDate(), local!Categories: index( local!datasubset.data, "SubmittedDate", {} ), local!uniqueCategories: union( local!Categories,cast(typeof(local!Categories),{}) ), local!labels: index( local!datasubset.data, "Status", {} ), local!uniqueLabels: union( local!labels, cast( typeof( local!labels ), {} ) ), local!series: a!forEach( local!uniquelabels, with( local!label: fv!item, a!chartSeries( label: local!label, data: a!forEach( local!uniqueCategories, with(local!intersection: intersection( where(local!uniqueCategories = cast(typeof(local!Categories), fv!item),0), where(local!uniquelabels = cast(typeof(local!labels),local!label), 0) ), if(condition: length( local!intersection) = 0, valueIfTrue: 0, valueIfFalse: index(index(local!datasubset.data,"Id",{}),local!intersection,0) ) ) ), links: a!dynamicLink( saveInto:a!save(ri!SubmittedDate, index(fv!item, "SubmittedDate", null)) ) ) ) ), a!lineChartField( label: "Number of Assets per Month", categories: { { local!uniqueCategories } }, series: local!series, xAxisTitle: "Month", yAxisTitle: "Number of Assets", showDataLabels: true )), with( local!gridPagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 20, sort: a!sortInfo( field: "Status", ascending: true ) ), local!gridDatasubset: a!queryEntity( entity: cons!NSARequest_Entity_Cons, query: a!query( selection: a!querySelection( columns: { a!queryColumn( field: "ProjectName" ), a!queryColumn( field: "SubmittedDate" ), a!queryColumn( field: "Status" ) } ), filter: a!queryFilter(field: "SubmittedDate", operator: "=", value: ri!SubmittedDate), pagingInfo: local!gridPagingInfo ) ), a!gridField( label: "List of Assets Submitted in " & ri!SubmittedDate, totalCount: local!gridDatasubset.totalCount, columns: { a!gridTextColumn( label: "Project Name", field: "projectName", data: index( local!gridDatasubset.data, "ProjectName", {} ) ), a!gridTextColumn( label: "Submitted Date", field: "SubmittedDate", data: index( local!gridDatasubset.data, "SubmittedDate", {} ) ), a!gridTextColumn( label: "Status", field: "Status", data: index( local!gridDatasubset.data, "Status", {} ) ) }, value: local!gridPagingInfo, saveInto: local!gridPagingInfo, showWhen: not( isnull( ri!SubmittedDate ) ) ) )
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