Fail to sort data

Hi All,

We're facing while using Sail Grid. Please find problem explained below.Any help is much appreciated.

We're fetching the data using query record and that data is displayed in a Grid component.

Now when we try to sort the grid data by clicking on a column header then it fails to sort the data for that column and it remains sorted on the default sort info that we provided at the time of fetching data from query record.

For your reference please find sample code below. Many Thanks in advance.

local!pagingInfo: topaginginfo(1, 10),
local!data: =queryrecord(
recordType: cons!COMPANY_AUDIT_LOG,
query: 'type!{}Query'(
'selection|aggregation': 'type!{}Aggregation'(
columns: {
field: "full_name",
alias: "label",
visible: true,



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  • Thanks for your suggestion but still we're facing problem.
    Code which was provided by you gives following Exception: "Expression evaluation error at function 'todatasubset' [line 35]: Error evaluating function 'todatasubset' : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The given data type is not a record type: Dictionary (id=94)"
    Can you provide us more suggestion, they will help us a lot.

    Many Thanks in advance.
  • Thanks for your suggestion but still we're facing problem.
    Code which was provided by you gives following Exception: "Expression evaluation error at function 'todatasubset' [line 35]: Error evaluating function 'todatasubset' : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The given data type is not a record type: Dictionary (id=94)"
    Can you provide us more suggestion, they will help us a lot.

    Many Thanks in advance.
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