How can I pass different alias for first_name and last_name in the sort info of the resulting SAIL Grid?

I am fetching two different sets of data from a single data store using queryrecord.

1st set consists of id and first_name.
2nd set consists of id and last_name.

And then I combine the data from these two data sets on the basis of ID to get a new dataset.

Now, the resulting data set that displays in a SAIL Grid has three columns - ID, First_Name, Last_Name

When I try to sort the resulting grid data on the basis of last_name, it always gets sorted on the basis of first_name because the alias that I defined for both first_name and last_name while fetching data using queryrecord was same.

How can I pass different alias for first_name and last_name in the sort info of the resulting SAIL Grid so that the data gets sorted in a proper manner.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.




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