Is there a way to differentiate between both Zeros in graphs?


I want to create a bar chart that will display individual user performances just like Google Guage Charts.

We have different targets for each user to create user accounts. The chart will display the user performance as the difference between target and user accounts created. If a user achieves his target, it will be treated as zero and if there is no target defined for a particular user then it will also be treated as 0.

Is there a way to differentiate between both Zeros in graphs.

Many Thanks in Advance,



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  • If I understand you correctly, you're asking how to differentiate between 0 zero value derived from a target of zero versus a zero value calculated from a target being met entirely.

    For example:
    > employee_a, target=0, completed=0, balance=0
    > employee_b, target=10, completed=10, balance=0

    They're both zero, but for different reasons.

    Would it be acceptable for your purposes to exclude employee_a from any reporting under this conditions since their not being asked to do any work?

    If so, you could make a view that only includes employees with a target >0.
  • If I understand you correctly, you're asking how to differentiate between 0 zero value derived from a target of zero versus a zero value calculated from a target being met entirely.

    For example:
    > employee_a, target=0, completed=0, balance=0
    > employee_b, target=10, completed=10, balance=0

    They're both zero, but for different reasons.

    Would it be acceptable for your purposes to exclude employee_a from any reporting under this conditions since their not being asked to do any work?

    If so, you could make a view that only includes employees with a target >0.
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