I am wanting a report which lists all active tasks. I note that there is a report called Advanced User Task Report where you need to select a user to see all their active tasks. Is there a report which lists all active tasks or is there a way to create one?
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a!localVariables( local!taskStatuses: { "Assigned", "Accepted", "Completed", "Not Started", "Cancelled", "Paused", "Unattended", "Aborted", "Cancelled By Exception", "Submitted", "Running", "Error" }, local!taskPriorities: { "Low","Normal","High" }, a!gridField( label: "My Tasks", labelPosition: "ABOVE", instructions: "A list of all tasks for the current user", data: a!queryProcessAnalytics( report: cons!TAR_TASK_REPORT, query: a!query( pagingInfo: fv!pagingInfo ) ), columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "Task ID", value: fv!identifier ), a!gridColumn( label: "Name", sortField: "c0", value: a!linkField( links: a!processTaskLink( label: fv!row.c0, task: fv!identifier ) ) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Priority", sortField: "c4", value: if( not(isnull(fv!row.c4)), index( local!taskPriorities,tointeger(fv!row.c4)+1,"Other" ), "Other" ) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Status", sortField: "c5", value: if( not(isnull(fv!row.c5)), index( local!taskStatuses,tointeger(fv!row.c5)+1,"Other" ), "Other" ) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Assignee", sortField: "c1", value: concat( a!forEach( items: fv!row.c1, expression: if( runtimetypeof(fv!item) = 4, /*User is type 4; group is type 5*/ user(fv!item, "firstName") & " " & user(fv!item, "lastName") & char(10), /*Adding char(10) adds line breaks to the list of names*/ group(fv!item, "groupName") ) ) ) ) }, rowHeader: 1 ) )
ireneb Please follow this code create one constant that pointing to all active task report you will get all active tasks report
Let me know any further help
I think you have misunderstood my requirements. I do not want a report of a user's tasks, I want a report of all active tasks. This suggestion does not appear to meet my requirements.