The function runtimetype() returns "list of user or groups-127" instead of either "user-4" or "group-5"

Certified Senior Developer


I am trying to get the details from the task report.

My task report is by Process model and i'm trying to get the assignee of each task. I am facing the issues as below:

1. With filter: 


/*c4 is the owner*/
field: "c4",
operator: "in",
value: loggedInUser()
/*c6 is the task assignee*/
field: "c6",
operator: "in",
value: loggedInUser()

When my task is assigned to individual user, the assigned task filter above works and shows me all the tasks assigned to the user.

But when the task is assigned to a group and the loggedin user is a member of the group, the task is not shown to the user.

I have tried the operator "includes" instead of "in". In this case, all the tasks are shown, irrespective of the user being the member of the group or not.

2. the runtimetype()

I want to display the assignees name(either group or user) in the grid. When i try the following code which i referred from the documentation.

runtimetypeof(fv!item) = 4,
/*User is type 4; group is type 5*/
user(fv!item, "firstName") & " " & user(fv!item, "lastName"),
/*Adding char(10) adds line breaks to the list of names*/
group(fv!item, "groupName")& char(10)

the flow always goes to the else part i.e. the group function. I tried displaying the runtimetypeof(fv!item) and the value comes as 127 instead of 4 or 5. 

Kindly help me in resolving this issue.

I want to just display the tasks pending with the user. either pending individually or to the group it belongs to.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    1. The "in" operator works the other way around. You provide a list of values and it checks whether a singular DB value is in that list. I typically use a task report by user and then filter for specific models.

    2. I suggest to not work with type numbers. Use built in type references like type!User or type!User?list. Did a quick test with your code and it works as expected. How did you configure that column in the process report?

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    Hello Stefan,

    The code works fine if all the tasks of the process model are assigned to users, throws error if asssigned to a group.I have taken tp!assignee for c6 and im taking the gridcolumn as below: The group() function threw error when loggedinuser was employee as the employee group dint have access to the opertional group and the query was fetching all the tasks of the process model (even operational).

    label: "Assignee",
    sortField: "c6",
    value: concat(
    items: fv!row.c6,
    expression: if(
    runtimetypeof(fv!item) = 4,
    /*User is type 4; group is type 5*/
    user(fv!item, "firstName") & " " & user(fv!item, "lastName"),
    /*Adding char(10) adds line breaks to the list of names*/
    group(fv!item, "groupName")& char(10)

    ill try with tasks by user report .

    Thank you Slight smile

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    Hello Stefan,

    The code works fine if all the tasks of the process model are assigned to users, throws error if asssigned to a group.I have taken tp!assignee for c6 and im taking the gridcolumn as below: The group() function threw error when loggedinuser was employee as the employee group dint have access to the opertional group and the query was fetching all the tasks of the process model (even operational).

    label: "Assignee",
    sortField: "c6",
    value: concat(
    items: fv!row.c6,
    expression: if(
    runtimetypeof(fv!item) = 4,
    /*User is type 4; group is type 5*/
    user(fv!item, "firstName") & " " & user(fv!item, "lastName"),
    /*Adding char(10) adds line breaks to the list of names*/
    group(fv!item, "groupName")& char(10)

    ill try with tasks by user report .

    Thank you Slight smile

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