Expression evaluation error in rule 'apn_uigridtextcolumn'

I am pulling records from a database and would like to format the information in the records. My statement in a rule!APN_uiGridTextColumn:

data: if(filter(fn!isnull,,"None",touser(

returns the ID of the project manager, or "None' if the record is null. What I want to do is convert the ID of the project manager to Last name, First Name, or just last name. But I can't get a user function to work in the statement. A statement like this:

data: if(filter(fn!isnull,,"None",user(touser(,"lastName"))

gets me an error message:

There was an error testing the rule:

Expression evaluation error in rule 'apn_uigridtextcolumn' (called by rules 'apn_uipaginggrid' > 'apn_uisectiononecolumn') at function 'user' [line 51]: Error evaluating function 'user' : The passed parameter(s) are of the wrong type.

How can I extract and format data f...



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  • The user function only handles singles, so you would need to use apply(user(_,"lastName"),touser(

    With that said, does that if statement work? I believe filter returns the objects that pass the predicate rule, so the if statement will read if(list of not-null project managers,"None",etc) which should never return "None".

    I think the easiest way to do what you want would be to make your own expression rule.
    myRule = if(isnull(ri!projectmanager),"None",user(touser(ri!projectmanager),"lastName")).

    Then use apply(rule!myRule, in your report
  • The user function only handles singles, so you would need to use apply(user(_,"lastName"),touser(

    With that said, does that if statement work? I believe filter returns the objects that pass the predicate rule, so the if statement will read if(list of not-null project managers,"None",etc) which should never return "None".

    I think the easiest way to do what you want would be to make your own expression rule.
    myRule = if(isnull(ri!projectmanager),"None",user(touser(ri!projectmanager),"lastName")).

    Then use apply(rule!myRule, in your report
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