Want to see older as well new values in a Record

We have a use case, where a user wants to see both the older as well as new updates made to any field of a record, when pulled out in an excel from Appian Application/Interface.


For example, a record with Car's mileage,

Initial Value = 10000, and then

Updated Value (after 1 month) = 12000,

Updated Value (after 3 month) = 52000


The user wants to see all these entries in the "Records", i.e 10000, 12000, 15000, etc., along with a time stamp (Created or updated date), and updated by.


Below is a sample table/report that the user wants as an output for the above use case.


Car Mileage Created On Updated by Comments
ABC 10000 11/2/2021 Emp1 This is the initial value
ABC 12000 12/2/2021 Emp2 First Update
ABC 15000 13/2/2021 Emp3 Second Update

I have received responses where folks in the community has suggested the following:

  • via a Historic CDT
  • Plugin CDT Diff Utilities

So, wanted to check if there are any best practices or a  step-by-step process to achieve this table.

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  • Hi Atishay - if you're at all familiar with database modeling this should be a pretty straightforward normalization exercise where you'll end up (just for this scope of your design) one table to hold the details of the vehicle itself, and another table that holds the historical mileage readings. Those two tables will be related, where the second is simply a child (by virtue of a foreign key) of the first. Once you have that in place you can then use Appian to surface that information to your user interface. I don't think it would be necessary to use any clever diff utilities or such as you have a straightforward mileage history table you cab simply write to and retrieve from.

  • Hi Atishay - if you're at all familiar with database modeling this should be a pretty straightforward normalization exercise where you'll end up (just for this scope of your design) one table to hold the details of the vehicle itself, and another table that holds the historical mileage readings. Those two tables will be related, where the second is simply a child (by virtue of a foreign key) of the first. Once you have that in place you can then use Appian to surface that information to your user interface. I don't think it would be necessary to use any clever diff utilities or such as you have a straightforward mileage history table you cab simply write to and retrieve from.
