"Expression evaluation error in rule" error related to filtering

Specifically Tempo Task Report.
Appian Version: 7.4 (cloud)
Browser: IE 11
Plug-in: Portal to SAIL.

My question is regarding filtering.
Whenever there is null value in the datasubset (whether by default, or through filtering, it will show an error: "Expression evaluation error in rule 'devmytaskstempo'" I am attaching my rule.
I have tried to capture the empty datasubset in many was. I used isnull(local!datasubset), local!datasubset.totalCount, in the if statement. I am stuck here.

Please guide me here. And let me know if you need more info....




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  • It appears that your rule is still calling the task pagingGrid, even when the data returns null. Instead of calling the grid, try calling a readOnly text field that will inform the user that the selected filter returned "0" tasks.

    if(local!datasubset.totalCount<1, rule!APN_uiTextReadOnly(label: local!datasubset.title, value: "No matching tasks returned."), {yourTaskReportScript})

    Please let us know if this resolves your issue. -Alicia
  • It appears that your rule is still calling the task pagingGrid, even when the data returns null. Instead of calling the grid, try calling a readOnly text field that will inform the user that the selected filter returned "0" tasks.

    if(local!datasubset.totalCount<1, rule!APN_uiTextReadOnly(label: local!datasubset.title, value: "No matching tasks returned."), {yourTaskReportScript})

    Please let us know if this resolves your issue. -Alicia
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