Display unfiltered data

We have a Tempo Report where user can select a month from the dropdown and data will be populated for that month in a grid below. But the first time when the report loads, we want to display unfiltered data ie. all data. We have problem with this loading. Our Queryfilter has 2 filters and we want to have the 2nd filter as a conditional filter.

We had this code initially:
'logicalExpression|filter|search':{'type!{www.appian.com/.../2009}QueryFilter'(field: "requestStatus", operator: "<>", value:cons!SALES_CANCELLED),
                                                  'type!{www.appian.com/.../2009}QueryFilter'(field: "soldMonthYear_txt", operator: "=", value:local!salesMonth),
                                                  'type!{www.appian.com/.../2009}QueryFilter'(field: "soldDate_date", operator: "between", value:{rule!SALES_Get_Date(),today()+1})



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