I am trying to incorporate a milestone report that links to different tasks in a process model:
a!milestoneField( links: { a!processTaskLink( label: "Tasks in progress", task: 536875568 ), a!processTaskLink( label: "Tasks in progress", task: 3808 )
My problem is that the task report ID changes every time the process is run. Is there a way to query my process report for the dynamic task ID?
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No. Task IDs are not reused. But tasks have a UUID which is static.
Thanks so much for answering!
Where can I find the UUID? I am going to try to see if a!processTaskLink will accept that in the parameters.
If not, my backup plan is to set up a query for the process report object that (HOPEFULLY) returns the dynamic task ID.
thanks again
The source for any task information is a process report. In that report, just add two columns with the task ID and the task UUID and maybe an identifier for your case. Then you can query that report to return the ID for a given task UUID and case identifier.
AMAZING!! I cannot thank you enough. I have been struggling for the last 48 hours
I have my UUIDs showing in my process report now. And I believe the name is a good identifier, please let me know if it should be an integer (or something else).
Lastly, I don't exactly know how to set up this a!queryProcessAnalytics, and I'm going through the documentation now. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.