Hi All,
I have created a Process report for the viewing the task but i'm facing this Error in site landing page, but in the interface looks fine.
a!localVariables( a!sectionLayout( contents: { a!gridField( label: "Supplier Tasks", labelPosition: "ABOVE", instructions: "A list of all tasks for the Supplier group", data: a!queryProcessAnalytics( report: cons!IA_SupplierTaskCons, query: a!query(pagingInfo: fv!pagingInfo) ), columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "Name", sortField: "c0", value: a!linkField( links: { a!processTaskLink(label: fv!row.c0, task: fv!identifier) } ) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Status", sortField: "c5", value: a!forEach( items: fv!row.c5, expression: if( fv!index = 2, "Completed", if(fv!index = 1, "Assigned", "Accepted") ) ) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Date", sortField: "c2", value: fv!row.c2 ) }, rowHeader: 1 ) } ) )
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Try after passing the report context within the a!queryprocessAnalytics() .Report context can be a process model/group/user - include the one you have used in the underlying process report.