Can we migrate these kinds of reports in to tempo reports?

We are evaluating the tempo interface instead of apps interface for our application. Currently we have lot of portal reports in the application(reports like process by type, process completion time by processor, process by phase, Average process completion time, process instances by Assigned user). Can we migrate these kinds of reports in to tempo reports?

To summarize can we create process and task equivalent portal reports using tempo reports? ...



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  • Yes you can. Deploy the plug-in called portal2Sail that provides you with a function that provides you with the portal report data. You can use this to build your SAIL reports.
    You may require some finessing - for example creating links where the portal reports gave you the links out of the box and changing links to dashboard to links to Records.
    I have created a few utility functions that you can use to point to the portal report and it generates the basic SAIL for you. I will export them as a library that you might find useful.