I am creating Tempo Task report, by implementing Portal to SAIL plugin . In the task report my 4th column is lag duration and its datatype is duration() . The problem is that in tempo its showing lag duration column empty whereas in portal i am getting values in column . It seems it is not able to render the datatype "duration()".Apart from this column , in rest all the columns namely : name , start time , completion time respectively i am getting data in tempo . Please suggest my code is given below:= load( local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 5 ), with( local!datasubset: rule!getTask_NBTY( pagingInfo: local!pagingInfo ), a!gridField( label: local!datasubset.report.name, instructions: local!datasubset.report.description, columns: { a!gridTextColumn( label: local!datasubset.columns[1].label, field: local!datasubset.columns[1].field, ...
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