Tempo task report not showing one column that is shown in portal report.

I am creating Tempo Task report, by implementing Portal to SAIL plugin . In the task report my 4th column is lag duration and its datatype is duration() . The problem is that in tempo its showing lag duration column empty whereas in portal i am getting values in column . It seems it is not able to render the datatype "duration()".Apart from this column , in rest all the columns namely : name , start time , completion time respectively i am getting data in tempo . Please suggest my code is given below:
= load(
local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
startIndex: 1,
batchSize: 5
local!datasubset: rule!getTask_NBTY(
pagingInfo: local!pagingInfo
label: local!datasubset.report.name,
instructions: local!datasubset.report.description,
columns: {
label: local!datasubset.columns[1].label,
field: local!datasubset.columns[1].field,



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  • ... data: if(
    local!datasubset.totalcount = 0,
    links: apply(
    label: _,
    task: _
    alignment: local!datasubset.columns[1].alignment
    label: local!datasubset.columns[2].label,
    field: local!datasubset.columns[2].field,
    data: if(
    local!datasubset.totalcount = 0,
    alignment: local!datasubset.columns[2].alignment
    label: local!datasubset.columns[3].label,
    field: local!datasubset.columns[3].field,...
  • ...
    data: if(
    local!datasubset.totalcount = 0,
    alignment: local!datasubset.columns[3].alignment
    label: local!datasubset.columns[4].label,
    field: local!datasubset.columns[4].field,
    data: if(
    alignment: local!datasubset.columns[4].alignment
    value: local!pagingInfo,
    saveInto: local!pagingInfo,
    totalCount: local!datasubset.totalCount
  • Let's confirm the results that we get back from your rule - what's the output of rule!getTask_NBTY(pagingInfo: topaginginfo(1, -1)) when you test it in the rules interface?
  • : [startIndex=1, batchSize=-1, sort=, totalCount=30, data=[cells=[value=Counter Party Review, drilldown=11677]; [value=Counter Party Review, drilldown=11811]; [value=Counter Party Review, drilldown=268438953]; [value=Counter Party Review, drilldown=536883143]; [value=Legal Validation, drilldown=11647]; [value=Legal Validation, drilldown=11667]; [value=Legal Validation, drilldown=11763]; [value=Legal Validation, drilldown=11781]; [value=Legal Validation, drilldown=11801]; [value=Legal Validation, drilldown=268438923]; [value=Legal Validation, drilldown=268438943]; [value=Legal Validation, drilldown=536883113]; [value=Legal Validation, drilldown=536883133]; [value=Spending Approval, drilldown=11686]; [value=Spending Approval, drilldown=11820]; [value=Spending Approval, drilldown=536883152]; [value=Submit Contract Details, drilldown=11631]; [value=Submit Contract Details, drilldown=11747]; [value=Submit Contract Details, drilldown=11767]; [value=Submit Contract Details, drilldown=268438909]; [value=Submit Contract Details, drilldown=536883099]; [value=Submit Reworked Contract, drilldown=11660]; [value=Submit Reworked Contract, drilldown=11794]; [value=Submit Reworked Contract, drilldown=268438936]; [value=Submit Reworked Contract, drilldown=536883126]; [value=View Generated Contract Document, drilldown=11636]; [value=View Generated Contract Document, drilldown=11752]; [value=View Generated Contract Document, drilldown=11770]; [value=View Generated Contract Document, drilldown=268438912]; [value=View Generated Contract Document, drilldown=536883102]]; [cells=[value=5/28/2014 11:11 AM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:47 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 7:15 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:52 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 11:08 AM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 11:10 AM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 2:58 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:44 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:45 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 7:12 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 7:14 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:49 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:51 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 11:11 AM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:47 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:52 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 11:08 AM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 2:57 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:43 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 7:09 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:48 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 11:10 AM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:44 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 7:13 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:50 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 11:08 AM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 2:58 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:44 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 7:11 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:49 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]]; [cells=[value=5/28/2014 11:11 AM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:47 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:52 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 11:10 AM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 11:11 AM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:44 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:47 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 7:13 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 7:15 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:50 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:52 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 11:11 AM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:48 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:52 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 11:08 AM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 2:58 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 3:44 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [value=5/28/2014 7:11 PM GMT+05:30, drilldown=]; [va
  • Hi patty,thanks for your reply. I am getting above resultset.
  • It doesn't look like duration is being returned by your rule. Can you try using the TimeField instead of a TextField to show duration?
  • The plug-in does't support the process metrics that return a duration. Please wrap your column definition in the todecimal() function in the original Portal Report so the plug-in can return the value form the report.

    For instance

  • The returned decimal will represent the "part" of a day (i.e. duration)
  • to get process_duration() which data type i need to select from portal report. I creating tempo report based on portal report..