Regarding configuration for a column in process report

Certified Associate Developer

I have created a "CRD column" in process report which is required to take the data from "CRD column" in User database table. I tried querying the data and indexed it but it's not populating the column with data in the process report. The column is populating null. Please suggest me alternate solution so that I can achieve this data populating.









i was using this expression to get data for respective column in CRD defintion in the process report.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Not only do process reports not support querying, as Stefan mentioned, but they handle only VERY basic / minimal expressions.  That means not only no queries, it means no local variables, absolutely no expression rules that use dictionary syntax (for some reason), and no non-primitive Appian functions at that (and the kicker here is, they don't really publish what functions are "primitive" or not, you just kinda have to figure it out).

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Not only do process reports not support querying, as Stefan mentioned, but they handle only VERY basic / minimal expressions.  That means not only no queries, it means no local variables, absolutely no expression rules that use dictionary syntax (for some reason), and no non-primitive Appian functions at that (and the kicker here is, they don't really publish what functions are "primitive" or not, you just kinda have to figure it out).

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