What is the best way to get a total/aggregate of the grid you are showing?

Hi! I have a report that aggregates a budget by client segment and returns the results in a grid. It works fine. However, I would like to add to my report the total for my grid at the top - not part of the grid- where I am going to add other text information. What is the best way to get a total/aggregate of the grid you are showing? Screenshot attached. Basically, a report total....



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  • If it's not part of the grid you should be able to get the .totalCount property from the DataSubset object returned by your query rule but that would mean running the query rule twice which maybe expensive ... maybe you can have a view with a single column to retrieve the count and create a simple CDT to query that view so the query is not as expensive as the original one.
  • If it's not part of the grid you should be able to get the .totalCount property from the DataSubset object returned by your query rule but that would mean running the query rule twice which maybe expensive ... maybe you can have a view with a single column to retrieve the count and create a simple CDT to query that view so the query is not as expensive as the original one.
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