What is the best way to get a total/aggregate of the grid you are showing?

Hi! I have a report that aggregates a budget by client segment and returns the results in a grid. It works fine. However, I would like to add to my report the total for my grid at the top - not part of the grid- where I am going to add other text information. What is the best way to get a total/aggregate of the grid you are showing? Screenshot attached. Basically, a report total....



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  • I assume you have done something like this which should be alright.

                        label: "Total",
                        labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
                        readOnly: true,
                        value: dollar(sum(index(local!datasubset.data, "budgetEstimate", {})))
  • I assume you have done something like this which should be alright.

                        label: "Total",
                        labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
                        readOnly: true,
                        value: dollar(sum(index(local!datasubset.data, "budgetEstimate", {})))
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