Is it possible to group Tempo Reports in the Reports tab in the Tempo Interface?


I would like to know if it's possible to group Tempo Reports in the Reports tab in the Tempo Interface.
As the number of applications grows, so does the number of reports grows, in which case the list of Tempo Reports will be large and not very user friendly.

For that reason we would like to group Tempo Reports by application in the Reports tab and we were not able to find relevant information in the forum documentation.

Is that possible? If not, is there some time of workaround?



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    There isn't grouping, but you can manage what each user sees by being more restrictive on the visibility rules for the reports.

    You can also combine similar reports into one, and have a drop down at the top of the combined report allowing the user to choose which of the specific reports to view.

    A final option is you could wrap the report forms in process models and expose them as actions. You could create applications to house these report actions and you'll be show to filter on the actions tab in tempo.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    There isn't grouping, but you can manage what each user sees by being more restrictive on the visibility rules for the reports.

    You can also combine similar reports into one, and have a drop down at the top of the combined report allowing the user to choose which of the specific reports to view.

    A final option is you could wrap the report forms in process models and expose them as actions. You could create applications to house these report actions and you'll be show to filter on the actions tab in tempo.
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