Sometimes there is no value after converting elapsed time in portal.

I am using "getportalreportdatasubset" and APPIAN 7.7 . Here I am facing strange issue with the report column named "Elapsed time" which is saved as "Duration" data type in portal report.
Expression to Calculate Elapsed time is : pp!starttime-(if(find("/",pv!cdtClientReportDetails.DocCreatedDate)=0,gmt(datetime(left(pv!cdtClientReportDetails.DocCreatedDate,4),mid(pv!cdtClientReportDetails.DocCreatedDate,6,2),mid(pv!cdtClientReportDetails.DocCreatedDate,9,2),mid(pv!cdtClientReportDetails.DocCreatedDate,12,2),mid(pv!cdtClientReportDetails.DocCreatedDate,15,2),right(pv!cdtClientReportDetails.DocCreatedDate,2))),gmt(pv!cdtClientReportDetails.DocCreatedDate)))

I have created new column and saved value of this "Elapsed time" (same expression) as Number(Rounded to 2 Decimal Places).I am converting this decimal value in Year, days, hours format in my SAIL code, For this I am using expression rule , Sometimes I get value sometimes blank value from Portal. Th...



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  • @poojas I don't know how far my observation will help you, but out of my experience, I would like to add one point here - In case of the mismatch between the data type returned by the portal report for a column against the data type configured in the rule which accepts the input from portal report data subset, then empty value is returned.

    One instance where I observed this is - task_assignee_owner() in portal report behaves as 'User or Group' object. But when the report is queried, the same data is being returned as 'Any Type'.
    Now let's assume that we have built a rule which accepts the data from the task_assignee_owner() column and formats the data present in it. The input of this rule should be 'Any Type' but not 'User or Group'. If you configure the rule to accept 'User or Group', empty dataset will be returned. The rule should accept the data as 'Any Type' and casting to 'User or Group' should be done in the rule.
  • @poojas I don't know how far my observation will help you, but out of my experience, I would like to add one point here - In case of the mismatch between the data type returned by the portal report for a column against the data type configured in the rule which accepts the input from portal report data subset, then empty value is returned.

    One instance where I observed this is - task_assignee_owner() in portal report behaves as 'User or Group' object. But when the report is queried, the same data is being returned as 'Any Type'.
    Now let's assume that we have built a rule which accepts the data from the task_assignee_owner() column and formats the data present in it. The input of this rule should be 'Any Type' but not 'User or Group'. If you configure the rule to accept 'User or Group', empty dataset will be returned. The rule should accept the data as 'Any Type' and casting to 'User or Group' should be done in the rule.
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