Error evaluating function 'queryruleexec'

When trying to view a Tempo Report I get error in Tempo.

Error Evaluating UI Expression
Expression evaluation error in rule 'getall_workloadanalysisreport_data_filtered' (called by rule 'workloadanalysisreport') at function 'queryruleexec': Error evaluating function 'queryruleexec' : Unexpected error executing query (type: [WorkloadAnalysisVWDT1968], query: [getAll_WorkLoadAnalysisReport_Data_Filtered], order by: [[]], filters:[((contractingOfficer includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]) AND (contractingOfficeCD includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]) AND (regionCD includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]) AND (status includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]) AND (endDate >= TypedValue[it=7,v=1991-01-11]) AND (endDate <= TypedValue[it=7,v=2040-04-23]) AND (teamMemberUsernames includes TypedValue[it=3,]))])

The log is as follows:

2015-09-01 11:56:05,113 [ajp-/] ERROR - Internal Server Error on REST API invocation...



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  • ....
    com.appiancorp.process.expression.ExpressionRuntimeException$AppianExceptionProvider: Expression evaluation error in rule 'getall_workloadanalysisreport_data_filtered' (called by rule 'workloadanalysisreport') at function 'queryruleexec': Error evaluating function 'queryruleexec' : Unexpected error executing query (type: [WorkloadAnalysisVWDT1968], query: [getAll_WorkLoadAnalysisReport_Data_Filtered], order by: [[]], filters:[((contractingOfficer includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]) AND (contractingOfficeCD includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]) AND (regionCD includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]) AND (status includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]) AND (endDate >= TypedValue[it=7,v=1991-01-10]) AND (endDate <= TypedValue[it=7,v=2040-04-22]) AND (teamMemberUsernames includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]))]) (APNX-1-4198-000)

    Caused by: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianRuntimeException: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianException: Unexpected error executing query (type: [Workloa...
  • ...dAnalysisVWDT1968], query: [getAll_WorkLoadAnalysisReport_Data_Filtered], order by: [[]], filters:[((contractingOfficer includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]) AND (contractingOfficeCD includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]) AND (regionCD includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]) AND (status includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]) AND (endDate >= TypedValue[it=7,v=1991-01-10]) AND (endDate <= TypedValue[it=7,v=2040-04-22]) AND (teamMemberUsernames includes TypedValue[it=3,v=]))]) (APNX-1-4164-028)

    The function throwing the error is:

    local!datasubset: rule!getAll_WorkLoadAnalysisReport_Data_Filtered(local!contractingOfficer, local!contractingOfficeCD, local!regionCD, local!status, local!effectiveFromDate, local!effectivetoDate, local!user, local!pagingInfo),

    What does 'queryruleexec' mean?
    What error is (APNX-1-4164-028)?

    I've looked on the forums a bit, and fiddled with the rule as well. The fields in the database are correct types, and correct amount of characters.
  • This is related to your database date / datetime columns having a bad data as "'0000-00-00 00:00:00'". Please check, if you have this bad data for any of the date / datetime columns, if yes correct it and see if you still get that error.