How to get hold of the data in the nested array?

I am trying to build a report in Tempo but I am getting stuck on how to get hold of the data in the nested array. Here is an example of what I am working with along with the report I have built so far. Should I restructure my CDT or is it possible to get the results I want?

CDT defined Data Store Entity
           array--a1 (Milestone Name - start, middle, end)
           a2 (Boolean status - true, null, null)
                     a3 (Datetime Stamp - datetime, datetime, datetime)
Display in SAIL report as:
value1 - value2 - a1 - a2 - a3

local!arrayPaging: a!pagingInfo(
startIndex: 1,
batchSize: 20
label: "Display in SAIL report",
totalCount: local!arrayData.totalcount,
columns: {



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  • @sikhivahans, thank you for your reply, I can see how this could help however because I have paged the initial array of items Appian considers the array values as a nested multiple which I believe breaks best practice. Also because each item has 3 elements to the array the paging breaks. I could try paging the array element in addition to the items then figure out some way to reference them. It seems the overhead for this could be excessive for what I am trying to achieve. I will keep experimenting for the time being. Thanks, James
  • @sikhivahans, thank you for your reply, I can see how this could help however because I have paged the initial array of items Appian considers the array values as a nested multiple which I believe breaks best practice. Also because each item has 3 elements to the array the paging breaks. I could try paging the array element in addition to the items then figure out some way to reference them. It seems the overhead for this could be excessive for what I am trying to achieve. I will keep experimenting for the time being. Thanks, James
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