Expression evaluation error at function a!safeLink [line 176]: is not a permitted URI under the configured security rules and cannot be cast to safeUri.

I am providing link to download report data to excel using below snippet:
label: "Download Link: ",
labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
label: "Click here to export to excel",
uri: getdatasubsetdownloadlinkfromprocess(
processModelUuid: "process model uuid",
input: joinarray(enumerate(n),"-"))


It works fine if provide particular value for "n" say 300 or below. However, if changes this value above 300 report is not appearing, getting below error:
"Expression evaluation error at function a!safeLink [line 176]: is not a permitted URI under the configured security rules and cannot be cast to safeUri."
Report is using on PROD environment that have 1000 of rows. Is the...



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  • @upendram I might be wrong but it seems to me that it's a problem with the 'input' parameter. There is a constraint on the length of the 'input' parameter in the Cloud and On-premise versions of Download Datasubset plugin, and Appian hasn't specified this in it's documentation. This can be concluded or confirmed by varying the length of input(after a certain value, the plugin starts to fail).

    The problem is the same even if you use hardcoded value or a value derived via a function or rule.

    So at any point of time, keep your input as much as simple and perform any processing in the process model and to the best of my knowledge this is the only way to tackle the constraint on 'input' parameter in the Download Datasubset plugin.
  • @upendram I might be wrong but it seems to me that it's a problem with the 'input' parameter. There is a constraint on the length of the 'input' parameter in the Cloud and On-premise versions of Download Datasubset plugin, and Appian hasn't specified this in it's documentation. This can be concluded or confirmed by varying the length of input(after a certain value, the plugin starts to fail).

    The problem is the same even if you use hardcoded value or a value derived via a function or rule.

    So at any point of time, keep your input as much as simple and perform any processing in the process model and to the best of my knowledge this is the only way to tackle the constraint on 'input' parameter in the Download Datasubset plugin.
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