Users are losing filters when they go back to the reports.

Hi, we have recently started rolling out our redesigned processes in tempo moving users from portal and portal reports for accessing their work.

While they are enjoying the new interface one of the key frustrations is how users are losing filters when they go back to the reports.

Has anyone else found this and if so any ideas for getting around it?

Thanks, David



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  • Thanks Stefan, that's where my thinking was going as well but seems like a massive workaround at the moment.

    So the use case is a user filters their reports to see the work, clicks a link to go to the task / record and then goes back to the report. When the user goes back to the report the filter settings are lost and they need to reapply them.

    They are finding this really inefficient.

  • Thanks Stefan, that's where my thinking was going as well but seems like a massive workaround at the moment.

    So the use case is a user filters their reports to see the work, clicks a link to go to the task / record and then goes back to the report. When the user goes back to the report the filter settings are lost and they need to reapply them.

    They are finding this really inefficient.

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