Users are losing filters when they go back to the reports.

Hi, we have recently started rolling out our redesigned processes in tempo moving users from portal and portal reports for accessing their work.

While they are enjoying the new interface one of the key frustrations is how users are losing filters when they go back to the reports.

Has anyone else found this and if so any ideas for getting around it?

Thanks, David



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    @kumaraveln: My suggestion, which I haven't tested exactly but have looked into in the past, would be to form a custom expression rule where you pass in your record identifier and it returns your record URL for that record type. This would allow you to then turn around and perhaps append the Custom Dashboard URL stub (copied from the page URL when you're actually viewing that dashboard, etc), and perhaps link the user directly to that dashboard. It's probably to keep this pretty modular so that if this implementation ever changes in the future, it can be updated in one place (instead of chasing down 10 different task forms where it's been hardcoded, etc).

    Try this and let me know if it works; if you need further help just reply and I can try to whip up a code sample and/or see whether this technique will even work as I'm predicting.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    @kumaraveln: My suggestion, which I haven't tested exactly but have looked into in the past, would be to form a custom expression rule where you pass in your record identifier and it returns your record URL for that record type. This would allow you to then turn around and perhaps append the Custom Dashboard URL stub (copied from the page URL when you're actually viewing that dashboard, etc), and perhaps link the user directly to that dashboard. It's probably to keep this pretty modular so that if this implementation ever changes in the future, it can be updated in one place (instead of chasing down 10 different task forms where it's been hardcoded, etc).

    Try this and let me know if it works; if you need further help just reply and I can try to whip up a code sample and/or see whether this technique will even work as I'm predicting.
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