Users are losing filters when they go back to the reports.

Hi, we have recently started rolling out our redesigned processes in tempo moving users from portal and portal reports for accessing their work.

While they are enjoying the new interface one of the key frustrations is how users are losing filters when they go back to the reports.

Has anyone else found this and if so any ideas for getting around it?

Thanks, David



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  • I tried to build a solution that is as easy as possible to use for us developers and for our precious users. All magic happens in the background.
    I had to use some tricks with updatecdt, to/from JSON and externalize/internalize. The SAIL code is also tricky as I have to update a lot of data in SAIL while writing it to DB in background. One thing is not possible: Modifying a just created new filter set. This is because I am missing the ID from database. A short instruction advises the user to refresh.

    Find attached the application package. Please provide feedback for improvements or any errors.

    Filter Settings

  • I tried to build a solution that is as easy as possible to use for us developers and for our precious users. All magic happens in the background.
    I had to use some tricks with updatecdt, to/from JSON and externalize/internalize. The SAIL code is also tricky as I have to update a lot of data in SAIL while writing it to DB in background. One thing is not possible: Modifying a just created new filter set. This is because I am missing the ID from database. A short instruction advises the user to refresh.

    Find attached the application package. Please provide feedback for improvements or any errors.

    Filter Settings

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