A way to create new Tempo reports where the interface expression requires rule inputs.

We just upgraded from 7.9 to 7.11. I like that more functionality is being moved to the /design environment, but I've been unable to find a way to create new Tempo reports where the interface expression requires rule inputs. Before migrating to 7.11, I had some Tempo reports that were defined this way, and the migration handled them just fine -- the attached screenshot is what I see when I open one of these older reports in the /design environment. However, I've not been able to find a way to configure new Tempo reports with an expression rather than an Interface picker. Is there a way to do this, or am I just going to have to make sure that all future report interfaces do not have any parameters?



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  • John, Thanks for mentioning this. This was a deliberate design change in 7.11. Our thinking was that since the context for reports never changes, inputs are unnecessary as that information can just as easily be set up in local variables. The expression editor you screenshotted is a mechanism to handle older report definitions, and there's no way to use it on new reports.

    If you have a use case that you think contradicts that, we'd love to hear it!

    And in a pinch if you absolutely need inputs, you can create a wrapper rule to pass in the inputs you need, and point to the wrapper rule in your report definition.
  • John, Thanks for mentioning this. This was a deliberate design change in 7.11. Our thinking was that since the context for reports never changes, inputs are unnecessary as that information can just as easily be set up in local variables. The expression editor you screenshotted is a mechanism to handle older report definitions, and there's no way to use it on new reports.

    If you have a use case that you think contradicts that, we'd love to hear it!

    And in a pinch if you absolutely need inputs, you can create a wrapper rule to pass in the inputs you need, and point to the wrapper rule in your report definition.
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