We cannot filter out the report data based on group selected by user

hi All,
I have a requirement that on task report a user can filter with the Assigned To (user or group) funtionality (=tp!asignees). I have userOrGroup picker field where a user can select a user or a group . Based on that selection , reportdata will be fetched from portal report (Report = task by process model). But problem is that when we select user the filter is working fine but in case of user it is not working fine. We cannot filter out the report data based on group selected by user. Every time it is showing no data. Please help.



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  • @chanakyar Hi, well there are 2 - 3 approaches as per my knowledge and one of them is(I have been specifying at a very high level), Query the Process Analytics separately, with Users and Groups as context and create a unique dataset by merging both the outputs.

    Would you be able to attach the code snippet of what you have done so far (and if possible, also specify the category of the report you have chosen).? This helps understand the practitioners here re what you are doing and suggest on top of that in order to avoid rework by trying new approaches.
  • @chanakyar Hi, well there are 2 - 3 approaches as per my knowledge and one of them is(I have been specifying at a very high level), Query the Process Analytics separately, with Users and Groups as context and create a unique dataset by merging both the outputs.

    Would you be able to attach the code snippet of what you have done so far (and if possible, also specify the category of the report you have chosen).? This helps understand the practitioners here re what you are doing and suggest on top of that in order to avoid rework by trying new approaches.
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