45276 - no subject - I have a report over around 650 running

I have a report over around 650 running processes. In one column I am doing the following calculation calworkdays(pv!date,today()) in the majority of cases this works fine, in some cases it does not despite pv!date have a value. The strange thing is if I apply a filter on another column it works fine. Remove the filter and the same cases break. If I change the calculation to today-pv!date, then the whole thing works fine. Any thoughts to why this behaviour might be happening. When I look at the report timing the report is running in 0.112 seconds and the only thing I can see is Case Age(Working Days) (EVAL:@reason=Function calworkdays: domain) in Name column Type: Column (Error) Resources:process-analytics2. Any thoughs...


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  • Couple more points I can think of that could help troubleshoot this further:
    1. Instead of passing the pv!date to the calworkdays function, can you pass in say, the process start date. This will help identify if the issue is with the data, or the number of rows and such
    2. Can you try the same function on a report for another process which has a date variable?
  • Couple more points I can think of that could help troubleshoot this further:
    1. Instead of passing the pv!date to the calworkdays function, can you pass in say, the process start date. This will help identify if the issue is with the data, or the number of rows and such
    2. Can you try the same function on a report for another process which has a date variable?
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