60105 - no subject - I am trying to make a task report for a

I am trying to make a task report for a particular user (who is set in a process model).
(This is so that I can reassign all their individual tasks to another set user).
I want to set a node to create a report that collects the individual (sometimes private) tasks for each user in a fixed group, so that I can filter it by the selected user in the process model.

Can anyone suggest a task report set-up?



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  • Iain,
    What Eduardo mentioned is when you configure the Execute Process Report smart node. To break down Eduardo's step 3:
    1. Add an Execute Process report node to your model
    2. Go to Setup tab and select the copy of the report you created in Eduardo's step one.
    3. There is a Context option which will appear below Report and Max Rows.

    This is where you can use a user process variable as the context. Hope this helps!
  • Iain,
    What Eduardo mentioned is when you configure the Execute Process Report smart node. To break down Eduardo's step 3:
    1. Add an Execute Process report node to your model
    2. Go to Setup tab and select the copy of the report you created in Eduardo's step one.
    3. There is a Context option which will appear below Report and Max Rows.

    This is where you can use a user process variable as the context. Hope this helps!
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