62901 - no subject - Hello all, do you know if there is an ea

Hello all, do you know if there is an easy way to report on process instance security settings? Thank you...


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  • Thanks Sathya for the quick reply. I understand your point but the feature could be available to system admins, couldn't it be? The problem is that we had to update security settings - a posteriori - on running instances (~1000) using IFM queries. We are facing inconstant results on specific instances but can not quickly identify them. Is there any workaround to avoid manual checking?
  • Thanks Sathya for the quick reply. I understand your point but the feature could be available to system admins, couldn't it be? The problem is that we had to update security settings - a posteriori - on running instances (~1000) using IFM queries. We are facing inconstant results on specific instances but can not quickly identify them. Is there any workaround to avoid manual checking?
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