64480 - no subject - I have two arrays in process model conta

I have two arrays in process model containing FirstName and LastName in it. I am reporting on this process model. I want to display Name(FirstName LastName) as single column on report. I am trying to use doForEach to achieve so, but it doesnt appear to be working on report. Any help/suggestion? Thanks....


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  • Hi, Ambrish. If you have the opportunity to refine your process, we would definitely recommend either storing the concatenated values in process or use a multi-valued User process variable to store users. Appian is quite good at displaying multiple users in a single cell value of a report.

    I was able to create a recursive expression rule that takes your arrays as input and builds a string. Once the length of the arrays is exceeded, it returns the names. This method could have a big impact on report performance, so make sure you test for any performance implications. This is definitely not a best practice.

    In my example, the rule has inputs for the first names, last names, a count, and the returnString.

    if(ri!count > length(ri!firstNameArray), mid(ri!returnString, 4, len(ri!returnString) - 5), rule!returnNames(ri!firstNameArray, ri!lastNameArray, ri!count + 1, ri!returnString & index(ri!firstNameArray, ri!count, "") & " " & index(ri!lastNameArray, ri!count, "") & ", "))

    The report column definition would be: rule!returnNames(pv!firstNameArray, pv!lastNameArray, 0, "").

    The mid() function removes any leading/trailing comma's from the list of names.
  • Hi, Ambrish. If you have the opportunity to refine your process, we would definitely recommend either storing the concatenated values in process or use a multi-valued User process variable to store users. Appian is quite good at displaying multiple users in a single cell value of a report.

    I was able to create a recursive expression rule that takes your arrays as input and builds a string. Once the length of the arrays is exceeded, it returns the names. This method could have a big impact on report performance, so make sure you test for any performance implications. This is definitely not a best practice.

    In my example, the rule has inputs for the first names, last names, a count, and the returnString.

    if(ri!count > length(ri!firstNameArray), mid(ri!returnString, 4, len(ri!returnString) - 5), rule!returnNames(ri!firstNameArray, ri!lastNameArray, ri!count + 1, ri!returnString & index(ri!firstNameArray, ri!count, "") & " " & index(ri!lastNameArray, ri!count, "") & ", "))

    The report column definition would be: rule!returnNames(pv!firstNameArray, pv!lastNameArray, 0, "").

    The mid() function removes any leading/trailing comma's from the list of names.
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