How to create report to audit design object creation and modification?

Please provide suggestions to do this task. Requirement is to create one report which should contain all the created and modified rules,constants,process model components.
Through this report its easy findout who's, when and which component created/modified....


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  • Anitha, unfortunately, you won't be able to create one report to aggregate all of this information, but all of Appian's interfaces on their own detail this information. The rules interface displays the information you request, as mentioned by Tejas and the process model version history provides the same information for process models.

    The best way to aggregate all of this information is to create an application; however, you will only be able to show the last time an item was modified and the last user to do so.
  • Anitha, unfortunately, you won't be able to create one report to aggregate all of this information, but all of Appian's interfaces on their own detail this information. The rules interface displays the information you request, as mentioned by Tejas and the process model version history provides the same information for process models.

    The best way to aggregate all of this information is to create an application; however, you will only be able to show the last time an item was modified and the last user to do so.
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